Plot Scale Trials

We have all the sowing, spraying, and harvest equipment required to undertake high quality field trials. 

Our cone seeders can implement complex agronomic treatments (eg nutrients, fungicides etc) in one pass and have been designed to accurately sow a wide array of crops across challenging soil conditions, such as ameliorated sand dunes.  We also have a variety of implements including a flail mulcher and steel roller to prepare our sites and ensures optimum seeding and harvesting conditions.

The ute and trailer mounted sprayers can manage plots of all sizes up to 15 m long.  Our trailer sprayer also has high lift capability for managing tall crops like canola and faba beans.  Shielded sprayers can be used to implement treatments on individual plots or neatly manage sites and pathways without the risk of spray drift.  We also have hand booms equipped with both gas and electric pump backpack spray systems.

Just like leading growers, all our trials are underpinned with precision systems. We utilise Ag Leader GPS receivers and autosteer systems delivering 2.5 cm accuracy on tractors, sprayers and harvesters.

Our fleet of equipment is highly mobile and own several of trucks allowing allow us to establish trial sites at the most appropriate location and ensure timely implementation and management throughout the season. 

Soil sampling and mapping

We have samplers capable of extracting soil cores to 1.2 meters depth.  These samplers have been modified to fit the Geoprobe system which enables us to extract soil cores in plastic liners.  This system provides benefits in both accuracy and speed, especially when sampling research trials with large numbers of plots. 

Electromagnetic mapping of research sites using the Topsoil Mapper is a capacity of ours. Maps can be developed using our SMS Advanced precision agriculture software.  These are used to determine sampling sites which we locate using survey grade Trimble GPS equipment.

We have specialised equipment for measuring soil properties, including a Neutron Moisture Meter (Neutron Probe) and Cone Penetrometer for measuring soil resistance.  The penetrometer can be mounted to an ATV and inserted electronically.  

Soil amelioration machinery

We have specialised equipment for implementing plot scale soil amelioration research.  This includes a deep ripper with soil amendment delivery capability (e.g. lime, gypsum, manure).  This can be configured with different tyne types, size and spacings and attachments such as inclusion plates and loosing wings.  We also have a research sized Farmax Rotary Spader.  We have access to a seeding kit which enables spade and sow treatments.  We have recently purchased large 300 hp Case Optum tractor which enables us to implement soil amelioration treatments.   

Laboratory facilities

Our laboratory facilities enable us to dry and process large quantities samples from research sites.  We have high capacity drying ovens that quickly dry down large biomass samples.  Our ovens are also thermostat controlled, which allows soil and/or plant samples to be dried quickly at the optimum temperatures required for specific scientific analysis.  We have sample threshing and grain cleaning equipment and in-house equipment to measure grain quality parameters including moisture and protein, test weight, screenings and 1000 grain weight.  We have a long term relationship with Eurofins APAL Agricultural Laboratory in Adelaide, who we use to provide soil and plant analytical services.